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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2021 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

Statistical Analysis – Statistička analiza
One Way ANOVA test was used to determine whether the germination results were significantly different or not on the basis of different sowing environments, pretreatments, air temperature, soil temperature, relative air humidity and soil moisture. SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used to evaluate the obtained data.
Germination percentages – Postotak klijavosti
While the highest germination percentage (70%) in the greenhouse environment was obtained as a result of the control trial, the lowest germination percentage (24%) was obtained from the stratification-2 trial. Moreover, the highest germination percentage (58.1%) in the nursery was also obtained as a result of the control trial and the lowest germination percentage (10.5%) was obtained as a result of the stratification-2 trial. In the stratification-1 trial, the average germination percentage of 44% was obtained both in the greenhouse and in the nursery.
Air temperature and germination percentage – Temperatura zraka i postotak klijavosti
The highest germination percentages in the greenhouse were obtained as 54.7% at the 21.0-24.9 °C air temperature level in the control trial, as 30% at the same air temperature level in the stratification-1 trial and as 15% at the 25.0-28.9 °C air temperature level in the stratification-2 trial. The highest germination percentages in the nursery were obtained as 22% at the 13.0-16.9 °C air temperature level in the control trial, as 20.5% at the 17.0-20.9 °C air temperature level in the stratification-1 trial and as 8% at the 25.0-28.9 °C air temperature level in the stratification-2 trial.
No germination was observed after 29.0-32.9 °C air temperature level in the greenhouse. On the other hand, germination was observed at the 37.0-40.9 °C air temperature level in the nursey. In the control and in the stratification 1 trials, germination was started at lower air temperature levels in the nursery (9.0-12.9 °C and 13.0-16.9 °C respectively) than the greenhouse (17.0-20.9 °C). However, in the stratification 2 trial, germination was observed at the 25.0-28.9 °C air temperature levels both in the nursery and in the greenhouse (Figure 1).