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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF

pattern is related with type of relief (in this case altitude). Soil profiles are covered in the whole area of management unit depending on micro-relief. Several soil types were determined in the FMU, followed by analysis for eugley and humogley soil types (Škorić et al.,1985). According to WRB classification (2014) all the soils in study belong to gleysols. Humogley (Škorić et al.,1985) in WRB classification is described as humic gleysoil (Pavlović et al. 2017) and eugley as a haplic gleysoil. Neither of these two classifications takes into account physiological active soil depth. The eugley soils were delineated according to physiologically active soil depth in a soil profile consequently referred to as α, β or γ gley soils (Wilde, 1940), in further readings given by the following expressions of soil systematic unit. Physiological active soil depth in Wilde (1940) classification are determined by the level of groundwater and soil texture. Small changes in physiological active depth leads to consequential changes in productivity of the tree species. In particular,