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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 40     <-- 40 -->        PDF

manner, writing about productivity among different poplar cultivars is often unpopular, due to the only one considered - productive function. Nevertheless, from wider perspective an optimal utilisation of soil productive capacities in forest cultures/plantations can contribute in lessening the pressures in natural forests (Silva, 2016) and could be a very important project on national level as in China (Sheng, 2008) which could be increase timber production in forest plantation (Zhang et al., 2000). According to McCarthy et al., (2017) interest of planting poplar on forest land has increasing in north European countries in the past period.
Contemporary GIS-based analysis and software enabled in detail analyzing of more parameters in space (Valjarević and Živković, 2016). Implementation of GIS analyze in forestry would be manifested in substitution of traditional methods in analyze with geospatial one (De Mers, 2005, Galić et al., 2018). Spatial analysis of the soil conditions can be done at different levels (Mc Bratney et al., 2003, Galić et al., 2019, Galić et al., 2020a). Soil maps for practical use in general, are insufficiently precise to optimize land use management and to help practical land management (Sanchez et al., 2009). The practical importance of the soil and the silviculture productivity data management can be recognized particularly at a local area. Precise maps of local soils might be produced following to detail edaphic research, aiming at site map as final output.
Data gathering on tree species occurrence is consisted in local forest surveys. The surveys encompass data on tree species distribution, productivity and threatening factors, within approximately same site conditions (at forest section level). Regionalizing of poplar cultivation with key planting clones and productivities of poplar plantations has been studied in economically most developed countries as the USA (Zalesny et al., 2012) and China (Sheng, 2008). In contrast to this research on small area the research may mark off micro depressions and on micro elevations. Micro-relief is the basis of determination of soil systematic units in alluvial plain and had not been followed solely in the internal forest management unit (FMU) delineation into forest sections (stands), in terms of optimal soil management. Research based only micro-relief basis can lead to insufficiently adequate spatial distribution of proposed tree species (Anić, 2018, Galić et al., 2020a). In our case the digital elevation model (DEM) was a basis for defining micro relief and after that for precise soil map. In the part near the riparian zones we can found mixture of different soil types with unequal productivity in poplar plantations (Živanov and Ivanišević, 1986). For that reason, a soil type within a section can occur exclusively, or in a complex with the other soil types.
The first objective of this paper was to assess which soil subunits (soil systematic unit) condition the highest productivity for poplar plantations. Thereafter, the aim was to enable consistent forest section delineation, based on the interaction of productivity properties of soil type and the Populus x euramericana I-214 productivity dataset. These directions are important in the better space use in sparsely forested area as Vojvodina.
Forest MU Muzljanski rit is located in Autonomus Province Vojvodina, northern part of Republic of Serbia (Figure 1) and occupy area without flooding. According to EUNIS habitat classification (2012) the described area could be conducted in G1.1141 - Pannonic willow and poplar-willow galleries; and in G1.223 Southeast European Fraxinus – Quercus – Alnus forests ( Pannonic willow and poplar-willow galleries habitat is described as riverine woods of the Pannonic basin formed by Salix albaSalix fragilis and often Populus alba or Populus nigra, which may at times dominate, in particular, in Vojvodina. Southeast European Fraxinus - Quercus – Alnus forests is described as mixed riverine forests of Ponto-Pannonic and sub-Mediterranean regions of southeastern Europe, usually dominated by Quercus robur and/or Fraxinus angustifolia, with varying admixtures of Ulmus minorUlmus laevisCarpinus betulusAcer campestreAlnus glutinosaFraxinus excelsiorSalix albaPopulus alba.
The following raster layers have been used: soil systematic unit distribution, DEM and the tree species distribution (according forest management plan data – FMP for period from 2010 to 2019) and productivity according to inner delineation of FMU Muzljanski rit.
Soil systematic units which were observed are shown in Figure 2. Soil features of the observed soils were determined in previous research (Galić et al., 2017). The site determination was preceded by DEM drawing and testing theoretical models in soil mapping. The terrain model is based on state topological map (R 1:5000) for micro-relief defining. All the mapped points in addition to X and Y axis value have been determined in Z axis value on the whole area of FMU Muzljanski rit (cca. 1820 ha). The map source allows a product with equidistance of up to 10 cm, quite adequate for modeling spatial soil differentiation. ArcGIS 10.5. Package was used for interpolation, resulting in 3D terrain model (Figure 3.).
Interpolation analyses (ARC toolbox → Spatial Analist Tools → Interpolation → Spline) based on one pixel for 0.1 m. After the topography tasks, soil distribution research was performed, using the Classification of soils in Yugoslavia (Škorić et al., 1985) and compared with WRB classification (FAO 2014). The key presumption was that soil cover