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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2020 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF

Derkx 2000; Piotto and Noi 2003; Gleiser et al. 2004; Zasada and Strong 2008). Also, several studies have shown that Acer seeds have dormant embryo (Webb and Wareing 1972; Pinfield et al. 1987; Pinfield and Stutchbury 1990; Marković et al. 2019). Acer species seeds have different pre-germination requirements according to seed ripening time and the nature of dormancy (Phartyal et al. 2002). In Maple species, an endogenous dormancy is generally seen due to requiring a rest period after maturation of the embryo (Ucler and Turna 2005). There are different tecniques for the removal of dormancy in Acer seeds depending on the types of dormancy. Dormancy was removed by cold-moist stratification in many Acer species (Farmer and Cunningham 1981; Tylkowski 1995; Tremblay et al. 1996; Savage et al. 1998; Bourgoin and Simpson 2004; Gultekin 2007; Farhadi et al. 2013; Erdogan Genc and Ucler 2020). In addition to cold-moist stratification, gibberellic acid also promotes breaking seed dormancy and stimulates seed germination in many species (Chen and Chang 1972; Beyhan et al. 1999; Phartyal et al. 2003; Drăghici and Abrudan 2010; Stejskalová et al. 2015; Kumar et all. 2017 ). Although Acer trautvetteri spreads naturally in the Eastern Black sea forests, it can not be produced sufficiently in both private and forest nurseries. The use of naturally spreading species in reforestation studies is one of the main principles. In this study, seed dormancy removal of Acer trautvetteri, one of the important Acer species of the eastern Black Sea region, were studied. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different seed collection time, cold-moist stratification, GA3 and soaking applications on seed dormancy removal and germination in Acer trautvetteri seeds.
Seed material – Sjemenski materijal
The seeds were collected from district of Şalpazarı, Geyikli village ( 800m, 53 20 50 N, 45 16 450 E ) in Trabzon, Turkey at three different times with 15-day intervals (on September 12, 2008; on September 27, 2008; on October 10, 2008). The beginning of the greyish brown colour of the seed was decided as first collection time (Chauhan and Arun 1998). The seeds were harvested at three times with aproximately 15-days intervals. Seed collected trees were marked with red oil paint. Thus, the same trees were used for different seed collection times. The harvested seeds were labeled and put into black plastic bags. The seeds were dewinged by hand and air-dried in the laboratory. The seeds were placed in glass jars after they reached approximately dry air humidity (10 ±2 %) and stored in a cooler (+4 oC). The initial moisture content, the 1000-seed weight and seed viability according to Tetrazolium test of Acer trautvetteri seeds were determined for each collection time. The initial moisture content was determined by using drying oven method at 104 ± 1 oC 17 hour (ISTA, 1996).