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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2020 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

Seed dormancy removal treatments and germnaton characterstcs of Acer trautvetteri Medvedev seeds
Metode savladavanja dormantnosti i značajke klijavosti sjemena vrste Acer trautvetteri Medvedev
Hanife Erdogan Genç, Ali Ömer Üçler
In this study, seed dormancy removal and germination characteristics of Acer trautvetteri Medvedev, is one of the major maple species of the eastern Black Sea region, were studied. To do that, the seeds were collected in 2008 three times with aproximately 15-days intervals. In order to remove dormancy, several germination treatments were applied. The treatments were (1) different seed collection time, (2) soaking in water, (3) cold-moist stratification and (4) GA3 (gibberellic acid) application. The treated seeds were germinated in growing chamber at 5 0C and in greenhouse conditions. This research indicated that seeds of Acer trautvetteri exhibit physiological dormancy and require stratification period to remove seed dormancy. The highest germination percentage in the growing chamber subjected to GA3 application after eight weeks of stratification treatment was 66 % for Acer trautvetteri seeds. The highest germination percentage in greenhouse was obtained with cold stratification after eight weeks (81 %). Although GA3 treatment had a positive effect on germination in growth chamber + 5 0C, GA3 treatment had a negative effect on germination in greenhouse conditions. Soaking in water of nonstratified seeds wasn’t any significant difference on seed germination. There was a positive correlation between seed collection time and germination (r=0.59). As a result, the third collection time (in october) should be preferred as seed collection time in Acer trautvetteri seeds, considering that it may vary according to the climatic conditions of the year.
Key words: Acer trautvetteri, seed, dormancy, stratification, gibberellic acid
Acer trautvetteri Medvedev has a geographic distribution in Caucasia and Turkey. It ranges between 400 m and 2100 m. It is especially common in North Eastern Anatolia and is also common in the region of Kırklareli, Balıkesir, İstanbul, Kocaeli, Bolu, Sinop, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Rize and Artvin in Turkey (Ansin and Ozkan 1997; Davis 1969). Maple are well known for their autumnal colour (Kumar et al. 2017). Also, many of the maples have ornamental value because of their attractive foliage, interesting crown shape, flowers and fruit (Ansin and Ozkan 1997; Zasada and Strong 2008; Ognjenović et al. 2018). Maple wood has a light color and is used in veneer and furniture manufacturing (Ulker and Hiziroglu 2018). Acer trautvetteri grows fast and has a economic value for the forest industry (Korkut and Büyüksari 2006). Furthermore, Acer trautvetteri wood could be used by applying proper heat treatment methods in some areas such as windows frame (Korkut and Guller 2008). Acer seeds are acccepted by several researchers in the class of seeds with seed dormancy (Bradbeer 1988; Peroni 1995;