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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2020 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

of the archduke Maximilian von Habsburg, by using the archival sources from Trieste State Archives (AST) and Austrian State Archives (OeStA) in Vienna. The botanical analysis determined the number of species, subspecies, varieties, hybrids and cultivars, including affiliation to family, areal, and share of autochthonous taxa from the certain continents in the second half of the 19th century, as well as the taxa that were recently present in the ornamental gardens. The analysis also determined the today’s number of the allochthonous taxa, continuously present since the second half of the 19th century. Finally, the analysis identified those taxa that are unique or rarely present in Croatia, and that were planted on Lokrum for the first time.
The research identified a relatively large variety of the horticultural species from the period of the second half of the 19th century. Very small number of these taxa (30) remained preserved until today. The reason for this mostly relates to a discontinuity in the garden maintenance. The value of this research lies in positioning the horticultural significance of Maximilian’s gardens on Lokrum, relative to other similar gardens of the same period, such as the Maximilian’s park at the Miramar castle, Garagnin park in Trogir and Trsteno park from the same period. This research is an important starting point for reviewing the fund of the horticultural species, which will be a part of the concept of restoration of Maximilian’s gardens on Lokrum.
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