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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2020 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

the island is an evergreen forest of the holm oak and black ash as. Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis Horvatić (1956) 1958, largely developed in the form of lower and higher evergreen macchia in the north part of the island. The dominant species are Quercus ilex, Laurus nobilis, Viburnum tinus, Myrtus communis, Pistacia lentiscus, Arbutus unedo, Phillyrea latifolia, Lonicera implexa, Rhamnus alaternus, Erica arborea, Fraxinus ornus, etc. The south part of the island is mostly covered by planted forest of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) growing on the base of macchia and pure macchia without the Aleppo pine. The majority of gardens that were subject to the introduction were located in the east part of the island, in front of the monastery, and towards the south in the wooded part of the island. Maximilian planted the exotics within the autochthonous vegetation which was supposed to protect these plants from the salt sediment and winds (De Visiani 1863). Taking into account very high winds, vicinity of the sea (salt sediment), but also the succession of the autochthonous vegetation of macchia, regardless of the intensive maintenance measures, the survival of the majority of introduced exotics was put into question.