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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2020 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

Interrelations of various tree vitality indicators and their reaction to climatic conditions on a european beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) plot
Međuovisnost različitih indikatora vitaliteta stabala i njihov odziv na klimatske uvjete na plohi obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Mladen Ognjenović, Tom Levanič, Nenad Potočić, Damir Ugarković, Krunoslav Indir, Ivan Seletković
Interrelations of various common beech vitality indicators (crown defoliation, foliar chemistry, radial growth) as well as their possible dependencies on climatic conditions were investigated over the course of 12 years in a mature and healthy beech stand. Our results confirm the importance of temperature variables for defoliation, as high temperatures during spring and summer months induce the increase of defoliation. The same negative influence was observed with high maximum temperatures and low precipitation during previous year summer months. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium nutrition of beech trees suffers from high temperatures during current year summer and benefits from more precipitation. High temperatures in current year May positively influence beech radial growth, while a wide range of minimum temperatures during March and June has a negative effect. In summary, high summer temperatures and low precipitation were shown to have a negative effect on all vitality indicators, and for defoliation and nutrition this effect can last into the following year.
Key words: defoliation, foliar nutrition, radial growth, drought, vitality
The dieback of trees can be complex in its nature, therefore the reasons for the deterioration in the vitality of certain species or stands can be found in specific interactions of stress factors. A common feature of stress impact is the uneconomical use of nutrients and water, leading to alterations in storage patterns in trees, soils and on the ecosystem level (Augustin and Andreae, 1998). At the tree level, this is usually described as decline or dieback processes, influencing tree condition or vitality, which can be assessed through the use of tree vitality indicators such as defoliation, increment, or foliar nutrition.
European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is a dominant broadleaved tree species in European forests, and on the Medvednica massif. Although common beech is a tree species