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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2020 str. 79 <-- 79 --> PDF |
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The influence of soil compaction on seed germination, seedling development, morphological characteristics of the above and below ground part of seedlings and root system is explained. The disadvantages of container production of forest seedlings in pure organic medium such as black peat and the disadvantages of planting seedlings produced in the field are discussed. Properly and incorrectly planted fields of narrow-leaved ash seedlings have been described and shown with the original illustrations. Modern technology of nursery production of narrow-leaved ash seedlings in containers and the benefits of afforestation of seedlings of coated root are presented. Container production is semi-automated and planting in the field should be done exclusively with the help of planters, whose features and advantages are presented in the article. Innovative solutions for the construction of a planter are described with regard to the shape of the hole that they make. It is important that the holes made by the planters are not round or square / rectangular, otherwise the planting holes will break or burst away from the surrounding soil. In the case of planters operating a rhombus-shaped hole or dug-in planting pit, there is no cracking at the edge of the hole, but the hole shoots all over the profile, which is more favorable to the root system of the plant. The original illustrations show examples of poor and good geometric shapes of a plant pit. An example taken from the Brestje nursery in Sesvete (Croatian Forests Ltd.) is used to illustrate the technology of nursery production of container seedlings of narrow-leaved ash. The data from the substrate declaration used in container production of seedlings were compared with the results of our own chemical analyzes at the time of planting the seedlings in the field after one growing vegetation. The extraction of elements from the substrate samples is described and so is the preparation of samples for trace element content determination by the ICP-AES technique. The values of the main substrate parameters obtained by the ICP-AES technique are presented, as well as the content of macro and micro nutrients in the substrate. The article presents the main morphological characteristics of container seedlings of narrow-leaved ash planted in the Lipovljani forest area in autumn 2017. In particular, the appearance of the washed root system of an average container seedling and its morphological analysis by means of WinRHIZO ProLA2400 (2005) scanner and software are presented. The causes of high mortality of narrow-leaved ash seedlings during afforestation in the Republic of Croatia are described, and concrete measures are proposed to improve the current situation in line with good forestry practices implemented in the countries of Central Europe and Scandinavia. Key words: irregular planting, proper planting, container seedlings, peat substrates, root morphology |