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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2020 str. 49 <-- 49 --> PDF |
Effects of different treatments on seed dormancy breaking and germination in Acer cappadocicum Gleditsch var. cappadocicum Utjecaj različitih tretmana na prekid dormantnosti i klijavost sjemena Acer cappadocicum Gleditsch var. cappadocicum Hanife Erdogan Genç, Ali Ömer Üçler SUMMARY This study was carried out to determine effects of different pretreatment on seed germination and to overcome dormancy in Acer cappadocicum seeds. The seeds were collected in 2008 three times with aproximately 15-days intervals. In order to overcome dormancy, several germination treatments were applied. The treatments were (1) different seed collection time, (2)soaking in water, (3) cold-moist stratification and (4) GA3 (gibberellic acid) application. The treated seeds were germinated in growing chamber at 5 0C and in greenhouse conditions. This research showed that seeds of Acer cappadocicum exhibit physiological dormancy and require stratification period to overcome seed dormancy. The highest germination percentage in the growing chamber subjected to GA3 process after eight weeks of stratification treatment was 62 % for Acer cappadocicum seeds. The highest germination percentage in greenhouse was obtained with cold stratification after eight weeks (95 %). It was found out that GA3 treatment had a significant effect on germination in growth chamber + 5 0C but GA3 treatment didn’t have a significant effect on germination in greenhouse conditions. GA3 treatment and soaking of unstratified seeds in water for 48 hr didn’t have any positive effect on germination value in greenhouse conditions. Although growth chamber and green house results both indicated that seed collection time did not seem to play a role as statistically on seed germination, Duncan’s test showed that the third seed collection time was in a different group. Key words: Acer cappadocicum; seed; dormancy; stratification; gibberellic acid INTRODUCTION UVOD Acer cappadocicum var. cappadocicum has a wide geographic distribution in Caucasia, West Asia and the Himalayas. It is distributed Northeastern Anatolia in Turkey ranges between 400m and 1600m (Yaltirik 1971) and is also common in the region of Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Rize and Artvin in Turkey (Davis 1966; Anşin and Ozkan 1997). Maple wood has a light color and is used in veneer and furniture manufacturing. Kitchen cabinets, furniture, parquet and interior doors are extensively produced from maple wood in USA and Europe (Ulker and Hiziroglu 2018). Also, many of the maples have ornamental value due to their attractive foliage or interesting crown shape, as well as flowers or fruit (Zasada and Strong 2008). Seeds of many trees and shrubs have dormancy at maturity and the mechanisms of dormancy which restrict germination differ according to species (Derkx 2000). Acer seeds are acccepted by several researchers in the class of seeds with seed dormancy (Bradbeer 1988; Derkx 2000; Piotto |