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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2020 str. 47     <-- 47 -->        PDF

Overall damage intensity was 18.9%, and when we add to this the old damage, the overall number of wounds is 496 (30.6%).
The largest amount of damage is in the diameter sub-class ranging from 10 to 15 cm.
According to the cause of damage, the largest amount of damage occurred during the wood extraction phase (217 trees).
Important factorsinfluencing the occurrence of damage in the winching phase are the experience and training of workers. The amount of damage could be lowered in this case through additional worker training, especially in the case of selecting the skidding direction and load formation.
It is necessary to increase control in the performance of all operations in forest utilisation, modernise machines used in forest utilisation and in quality way open compartments with forest transport infrastructure.
With a series of indicators on damage and wounds to the stand, we have confirmed the assumption that stand and terrain conditions are deciding/determining factors of damaging, with equal other conditions – technology and methods, work assets and work executioners. With that, we additionally confirmed the need to develop work qualification of stands for the purpose of modelling of standardised dynamic measures and measures to validate quality of performed works in forests. Without those solutions it will not be possible to improve (or just introduce) the system of valuation of complex efficacy of getting wood and other work (production) processes in forestry.
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