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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2020 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

oštećenja lista od ličinke progresivno raste do mjeseca lipnja, nakon čega počinje blago opadati;
– Prosječna površina oštećenja lista od imaga u odnosu na prosječnu površinu lista najveća je na lokaciji gospodarske jedinice “Gornja Stavnja”, odjel 30, a prosječna površina oštećenja lista od ličinke na lokaciji gospodarska jedinica „Donja Stavnja“, odjel 61;
– Utjecaj lokacije nema utjecaj na površinu oštećenja lista od imaga i ličinke;
– Površine oštećenja listova od imaga i ličinke izvan visokih šuma bukve veće su jer se radi o mješovitim šumama, a veći broj listova na tim stablima napadnut je zbog nedostatka stabala bukve uslijed prenamnoženja ovog štetnika;
– Prosječna površina oštećenja lista od imaga i ličinke u odnosu na prosječnu površinu lista najveća je na svjetlu, dok je kod stabalaca u sjeni bila nešto manja;
– Položaj stabalaca u sastojini na površinu oštećenja lista od ličinke ima značajan utjecaj, dok položaj stabalaca u sastojini nema utjecaj oštećenja od imaga.
Ballian, D., B. Jukić, B. Balić, D. Kajba, G. von Wüehlisch, 2015: Fenološka varijabilnost obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) u međunarodnom pokusu provenijencija. Šumarski list, 11-12, pp. 521-533.
Dimitrova-Mateva, P., 2005: Significance and distribution of leaf insects pests on Common beech Fagus sylvatica in Training and Experimental Forest Range ’Petrohan‘. Student conference ’Protection of Biodiversity and Management of Protected Areas‘. pp. 40-50.
Dimitrova-Mateva, P., 2008: Leafminer insects on the Common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Western Bulgaria. PhD Thesis. pp. 150.
Dimitrova-Mateva, P., S. Anev, S. Georgieva, G. Chaneva, N. Tzvetkova, 2016: Ecophysiological method for assessment of Orchastes fagi L. infestation on common beech trees. Forestry ideas. Vol. 22, No. 1. pp. 35-41.
Fleming, R., W. Volney, 1995: Effects of climate change on insect defoliator population processes in Canada’s boreal forest: some plausible scenarios. Water Air Soil Pollut. 8, 445–454.
Fraser, R., R. Latifovic, 2005: Mapping insect-induced tree defoliation and mortality using coarse spatial resolution satellite imagery. Int. J. Remote Sens. 26, 193–200.
Hartmann, G., F. Nienhaus, H. Butin, 2007: Atlas šumskih oštećenja, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany., ITD Gaudeamus d.o.o. (prevod), pp. 1-266.
Metzler, B., T. Bublitz, 2004: Der Buchenspringrüssler (Rhynchaenus fagi L., syn. Orchestes fagi L.). Waldschutz-info. pp. 1-4.
Morrison, C. D., N. M. Tainton, 1993: The effect of defoliation and competition on the regrowth of Themeda triandra and Aristida junciformis subsp. junciformis, Afr J Range For Sei 10 (3), pp. 124-128.
Pullin, A. S., 1981: Observations on the development and mortality factors in the leaf mining stage of the beech weevil Rhynchaenus fagi L., Durham theses, Durham University. pp. 1-77.
Rullán-Silva, C., A. E. Olthoff, V. Pando, J. A. Pajares, J. A. Delgado, 2015: Remote monitoring of defoliation by the beech leaf-mining weevil Rhynchaenus fagi in northern Spain. Forest Ecology and Management 347. pp. 200-208.
Schardt, M., M. Fauster, A. Gruppe, R. Schopf, 2006: Einfluss der Blattposition auf Befallshäufigkeit und Entwicklungserfolg von Rhynchaenus fagi L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) an Buche (Fagus sylvatica L.). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 15. pp. 41-44.
Schardt, M., A. Gruppe, R. Schopf, 2008: Nischensicherung durch monophage Herbivore. Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 16. pp. 273-276.
Seletković, I., N. Potočić, 2004: Oštećenost šuma u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1999. do 2003. godine. Šumarski list br. 3-4. pp. 137-148.
Tomiczek, C., D. Diminić, T. Cech, B. Hrašovec, H. Krehan, M. Pernek, B. Perny, 2007: Bolesti i štetnici urbanog drveća. Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. pp. 1-384.
Zúbrik, M., A. Kunca, G. Csóka, 2013: Insects and Diseases Damaging Trees of Europe. N.A.P. Éditions. A colour atlas. pp. 1 - 535.
The impact of beech weevil on the damaged area of beech trees from adult and larvae was analyzed, depending on the location and position of trees of beech in stand (sun/shadow). The research localities were located within the forest plantation of spruce, natural beech forests and mixed beech, fir and spruce forests. Beech weevil represents one of the main defoliators appearing on beech trees. The research sample consists of 15 beech trees, 5 trees per location, on three locations. On each location, were selected 3 trees with the crown in the sun and 2 trees with the crown in the shade (a total of 9 trees in the sun and 6 trees in the shade). On each tree were measured damages from the adult and larvae of beech weevil. It has been found that the average damaged area on beech leaf varied for adult from 2-4%, and larvae 4-8%. Statistical analysis showed a statistically significant differences in damaged areas of beech leaf from larvae, depending on the position of beech trees in the stand.
Key words: Fagus sylvatica, Rhynchaenus fagi, damaged area, locality, sun, shade