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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2019 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

institutions. The representatives of PA managers believe that it is necessary to get involved in the process of legislative drafting, while the representatives of the public administration and service, as well as the organizations, emphasize the need for the harmonization of legislative documents.
Regarding the use of domestic and international funding sources, the problems stressed by the representatives of PA managers are the need for additional research and insufficient training of managers for submitting project ideas related to their insufficient information literacy. The representatives of organizations consider that there is a lack of networking with other PAs and insufficient willingness of people to be trained in continuity, while the representatives of the public administration and service, state that managers are not ready to hire agencies to prepare projects. Regarding the improvement of the fee collection, the basic problem lies in the difficulty of fee collecting due to the resistance of the area users to pay the compensation, which results in long-lasting judicial proceedings.
Regarding the mechanisms of PA management system financing within the observed MAs, it was found that the average number of financing sources is the lowest for PES, unlike PEV. The largest differences in financing amounts are present in the financing of OPEs, which record a significantly higher support from the local community, unlike other MAs, while OPS records significantly higher amounts of financing from its own revenues than other MAs.
In order to improve the mechanisms for PA management system financing, it is proposed to improve the use of domestic and international sources of funding, as well as the collection of fees. Improving the mechanisms of management system financing implies the improvement of the use of the existing mechanisms at republic, provincial and local levels through defining all the possible sources of funding and training of PA managers for the use of these funds. The collection of fees should be improved by encouraging the management of PAs to use all the benefits defined by the Law on Nature Protection more efficiently.
Future research on this topic should address the amount and frequency of PA funding by the relevant institutions at republic, provincial and local levels for all PAs, as well as the identification and analysis of the possibilities for PA financing at national and international level, i.e., identification of all available financing mechanisms, their constraints, and project application procedures. It is also necessary to identify and analyse the conflicts that arise from non-compliance with the decision on fee collection that can be achieved by PA managers.
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