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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2019 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

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Poljak I., M. Idžojtić, I. Šapić, J. Vukelić, M. Zebec 2014: Population variability of grey (Alnus incana /L./ Moench) and black alder (A. glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.)  in the Mura and Drava region according to the leaf morphology. Šumarski list, 138 (1–2): 7–17.
Poljak I.,  M. Idžojtić,  M. Zebec,  N. Perković 2012: The variability of European sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the region of northwest Croatia according to morphology of fruits. Šumarski list, 136 (9–10): 479–489. Zagreb.
Poljak, I., D. Kajba, I. Ljubić, M. Idžojtić, 2015: Morphological variability of leaves of Sorbus domestica L. in Croatia. Acta Soc Bot Pol, 84 (2): 249–259.
Poljak, I., M. Idžojtić, Z. Šatović, M. Ježić, M. Ćurković-Perica, B. Simovski, J. Acevski, Z. Liber, 2017: Genetic diversityof the sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Central Europe and the western part of the Balkan Peninsula and evidence of marron genotype introgression into wild populations, Tree Genet Genomes, 13: 18.
Poljak, I., M. Idžojtić, I. Šapić, P. Korijan, J. Vukelić, 2018: Diversity and Structure of Croatian Continental and Alpine-Dinaric Populations of Grey Alder (Alnus incana /L./ Moench subsp. incana): Isolation by Distance and Environment Explains Phenotypic Divergence. Šumarski List 142 (1-2): 19-32. Zagreb.
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Zebec M., M, Idžojtić, I. Poljak 2014: Morfološka varijabilnost nizinskog brijesta (Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo) na području kontinentalne Hrvatske. Šumarski list, 138(11–12): 563–572. Zagreb.
Zebec M., M. Idžojtić, I. Poljak, I. Mihaldinec 2010: Varijabilnost nizinskog brijesta (Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo) na području hrvatske Podravine prema morfološkim svojstvima listova. Šumarski list, 134(11–12): 569–580. Zagreb.
Zebec, M., M. Idžojtić, I. Poljak, I. Modrić, 2015: Population variability of wychelm (Ulmus glabra Huds.) in the mountainous region of Croatia according to the leaf morphology, Šumarski list 139 (9-10): 429–439.
Zebec, M., M. Idžojtić, Z. Šatović, I. Poljak, Z. Liber, 2016: Alive and kicking, or, living on borrowed time? – Microsatellite diversity in natural populations of the endangered Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo from Croatia. Acta Bot Croat, 75 (1): 53–59.