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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2019 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

commonly associated with Birch bark beetle (e.g., Tarsonemus and Proctolaelaps mites; Khaustov & Magowski, 2003; Trach & Kaustov, 2017) and may play a role in the dispersal and introduction of fungal plant pathogens.
Although Silver birch is of minimal economic importance in Croatia, warming temperatures may lead to a rapid decline in the growth and a consequent retreat of the species from this region. Assessment of possible long-term mortality trends across the southern range edge of Silver birch and the presence of the Birch bark beetle merits further attention.
The authors thank colleagues Antica Bregović (VCM), Bože Kokan (NHMS), Dr. Snježana Vujčić-Karlo (NMZ), and Doc. Milivoj Franjević (Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb) for help with the revision of beetle collections and Prof. Richard Hofstetter (School of Forestry, College of the Environment, Forestry and Natural Sciences, Northern Arizona University) for the help with unreachable references. In addition, authors thank colleagues from the Division of Forest Protection and Game Management (Croatian Forest Research Institute) for help with field and laboratory work and to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia for the support through Diagnosis and Prognosis Service (IPP).
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