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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2019 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

The decrease in hornbeam wood hardness recoreded in this work was less than decrease in hornbeam wood hardness recorded by Gunduz et al. (2009). He determined following decrease in hardness values of hornbeam wood samples treated at 210 ºC for 12 h: 38% for longitudinal direction (cross section), 55% for radial direction (tangential section), and 54% for tangential direction (radial section).
The ratio between Brinell hardness and density at 12% of moisture content of thermally modified and unmodified hornbeam wood on three section are shown in Figure 3. It was determined that the changes in density significantly effect Brinell hardness on all sections of thermally modified and unmodified wood.
Thermal modification at 200 ºC in oxygen free environment for 48 hours expectedly reduced wood mass and caused the reduction of density in beech wood and hornbeam wood.