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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2019 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

obtaining quality data are as well important. The high-resolution DEM data, where many factors such as height, slope, aspect and etc. are calculated, also increases the success of the models (Jacobs et al. 2018).
It was determined from the model results that there will be an intense risk of landslide in the southern part of the study area. The roads planned to be built in this area have to be made in a more meticulously planned way and in such a way that they neither cause nor trigger landslides. It is seen that the current road density value in the study area is not adequate in terms of forest management since it is below the target density aimed to be achieved (25 m.ha-1) by General Directorate of Forestry. It will be essential to increase the existing road density to the desired levels in order to manage and protect the forests, and also to carry out other essential forestry activities. It is very substantial that the roads to be built should be planned carefully in areas with landslide risk and priority should be given to the selection of routes which need minimum excavation. In this way, the potential damage on the environment will be kept at a minimum level. It is also important that the integrity and duration of the existing roads in landslide sensitive areas should be improved through stabilization works and by installation of necessary road structures in a more environmentally way.
We would like to thank NetCAD Software Inc. and all its employees for providing NetCAD 7.6 GIS software support for this study.
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