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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2019 str. 65     <-- 65 -->        PDF

analysing the differences in the structure of the ITS region of rDNA isolated directly from the wood of Norway spruce and Scots pine or fruiting bodies of fungi. The specificity of the primers KJ-F and KJ-R for the fungus H. parviporum and primers MJ-F and MJ-R for the fungus H. annosum in Bosnia and Herzegovina is confirmed. H. parviporum was identified on 9 from 37 analysed wood samples.
The reliable identification of species of genus Armillaria can be performed by analysing the differences in the structure of the ITS region of rDNA (genus level), or IGS rDNA regions (interspecies diversity) isolated from Norway spruce wood. By digestion of IGS region with endonuclease AluI A. ostoyae and A. cepistipes on Norway spruce were identified. These fungi were on 3 from 37 analysed wood samples.
Molecular analyses did not reveal any cases in which on the investigated decayed wood of Norway spruce simultaneously occur H. parviporum and Armillaria species or in a combination with other decay fungi. This indicates a significant infectious potential of these fungi and probably also their mutual antagonistic relationship.
In the coming period, continue research of population structure Heterobasidion and Armillaria species in Bosnia and Herzegovina is needed and additional efforts in the identification of other fungi species that cause wood decay. That would be one of the positive developments in forestry science and profession in the coming period because without a detailed knowledge about species of harmful agents it is impossible to plan or implement effective measures with aim of their control and suppression.
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