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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2019 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

In the present study, significant differences (P <0.01) were obtained between the germination data according to the results of the conducted analysis of variance. Duncan test findings demonstrated that three different germination groups were formed based on origin altitudes. The highest germination (78.91%) was observed in the seeds collected from Maçka provenance (1234 m) and the lowest germination value (59.47%) was observed in seeds obtained from Zafanos provenance (592 m) (Table 2). Given the seed weights, the highest rate of germination was determined in seeds collected from the Maçka provenance, with a maximum weight of 1000gr (0.0944g). This suggests that a higher seed weight may promote germination. However, Vera (1997), in a study conducted with Calluna vulgaris and Erica cinerea seeds collected at different altitudes, noted that Calluna seed size did not affect germination and there were no significant differences between the germination of different sizes of Erica seeds. It was reported, however, that the highest germination rate was obtained with the seeds collected at higher altitudes. In a similar study conducted with Rhododendron catawbiense seeds collected from five different provenances, it was reported that seeds collected from the highest altitude had higher cumulative germination under different light and temperature conditions (Rowe et al. 1994).
The germination rates of Rhododendron ponticumseeds collected from different provenances at different altitudes in six different media are presented in Figure 1.
The germination rates of Rhododendron ponticum taxa demonstrated that the highest germination rate (89.33%) was