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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2019 str. 19 <-- 19 --> PDF |
factor of physical constraints (Table 2). Statistically acceptable model was established by confirmatory factor analysis approach (Figure 2). The pronounced processes of structural changes in forest ownership composition, as well as in socio-demographic and forest property characteristics, are evident across Europe consequently influencing the intensity of private forest management. Within the aforementioned, we used gender, age, education, working status, the distance between the forest and the place of residence, the size of the settlement and the knowledge of forest property boundary lines as independent variables for management constraining factors model construction (Figure 1). Socio-demographic and forest property characteristics have been modeled with the extracted management constraining factors by applying a Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model (Figure 3). MIMIC model revealed that gender, age, and lack of boundary lines knowledge were the most important predictors for management constraining factors (Table 4). The notable part of forest owners in Croatia do not manage their forests because of insufficient knowledge and qualifications. Key words: private forest owners, management constraining factors, inactive forest owners, socio-demographic changes, MIMIC model |