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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF

were calculated based on ISTA rules (ISTA 1993) - 800 (8×100) fruits were collected randomly from eight populations and weighed using a precision balance.
Fruit moisture content (FM) (%) was determined on a fresh mass basis using four replicates of 50 g each; fruits were weighed, oven dried at 103±1°C for 16±1 h, and reweighed (ISTA 1993).
After the measurements, fruits were sown, using a randomised sampling design, in nursery seedbeds in October. Seedling length (SdL), root collar diameter (RCD) and sturdiness quotient (SQ) were carried out at 1-year-old seedlings grown in seedbed. Measurements were made on total of 720 seedlings to be 3×30 seedlings from each populations. The sturdiness quotient refers to the ratio of the height of the seedling to the root collar diameter and expresses the vigour and robustness of the seedling (Thompson 1985; Aldhous 1994; Jaenicke 1999).
Finally, data were analysed using the SPSS 23.0 statistical program. The conducted analyses included ANOVA, Duncan’s Test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, hierarchical cluster analysis, and discriminant analysis.
The highest values of FL, FW and FT were obtained in İzmir population. While the highest FL/FW ratio was recorded in Aydın population. Balıkesir population was characterized by the highest values of SdL, RCD and SQ. The values of fruit length ranged from 21.56 to 31.21 mm, and the mean length was 25.96 mm in all analysed populations. The fruit width in all populations ranged from 22.92 to 32.43 mm, with a mean value of 27.75 mm. The fruit thickness ranged from 14.74 to 18.99 mm, and the mean value of fruit thickness was 16.51 mm. The fruit length/width ratio varied between 0.83 and 0.98 for all populations. Average seedling length, root collar diameter and sturdiness quotient were detected to vary between 10.32-19.17 cm, 4.61-6.94 mm and 1.85-3.20, respectively. The mean values, standard deviations, maximum and minimum values of the fruit and seedling sizes are presented in Figure 2. The coefficients of variation for the studied characteristics ranged from 7.17 % to 54.04 % (Figure 3).
The ANOVA revealed that there are statistically significant differences (P<0,05) among the analysed populations in terms of all measured morphological characters. In addition, Duncan’s test was performed. For the variables: fruit width (I1-A1; K1-B1; A3-A2; B2; S1), fruit length/fruit width ratio (I1-A1-K1-A3; B1; B2; S1; A2), and the root collar diameter (B1; A3-S1; A1; I1-B2-A2; K1) five groups were revelled. Furthermore, fruit (I1-A1; K1-B1; B2-S1; A2-A3) and seedling length (K1-B2-S1-A3; I1-A1; B1; A2), as well the sturdiness quotient (B1-A2-K1; S1-B2; I1-A3; A1) formed four groups. When the groups with regard to the fruit thickness were examined: I1 and A1 populations were