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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

fakulteta i Instituta za šumarstvo i drvnu industriju u Sarajevu, Godina V, 5:.1 - 243.
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Derory, J, P. Léger, V. Garcia, J. Schaeffer, M-T. Hauser, F. Salin, C. Luschnig, C. Plomion, J. Glöss, A. Kremer, 2006: Transcriptome analysis of bud burst in sessile oak (Quercus petraea). New Phytol 170:723–738.
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Our research of Phenological variability of 28 provenances of pedunculate oak in the Bosnian and Hercegovinian test of provenances in Žepce. The experiment is based in the accidentally random block system with three (3) repetitions, where each provenance in each block is represented by 36 plants (except provenances Drvar, Mutnica, Zvornik and Vinac, which are partially represented in the experiment). We have observed the process of leafing during years 2012 and 2013 and from the end of March to beginning of May. We followed five (5) phenofazes of leafing that were developed for sessile oak by Derory et al. (2006).
The analysis of phenological phases has shown that there are statistically important differences between the investigated provenances. The differences have been confirmed for the start, duration and end of certain phenological phases during leafing in the provenances and it points to a genetic variability between the populations and the dependence of phenological phases on the weather conditions.