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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2018 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

alder and pedunculate oak. The understory species, such as common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.), are present in the entire area. The terrain is flat with ground elevations ranging from 105 to 121 m a.s.l. For more details on forest stands and site characteristics of the study area, please refer to the papers of Ostrogović Sever et al. (2017) and Balenović et al. (2018).
Photogrammetric Digital Terrain Model (DTMPHM) – Fotogrametrijski digitalni model reljefa (DTMPHM )
To create the DTMPHM for the study area, an official digital terrain data for the territory of Croatia were used. The data consisted of three-dimensional vector data including line data (breaklines, formlines) and point data (spot heights, mass points) (Figure 2). The data were primarily obtained from manual stereo photogrammetric methods using aerial images with the ground sampling distance of ≤30 cm.
DTMPHM in the raster format with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m was generated from the national digital terrain data with the triangulated irregular network (TIN) and linear interpolation techniques using the Global Mapper software (ver. 19, Blue Marble Geographics, Hallowell, Maine, USA). A detailed description of each vector data type as well as of the vertical accuracy assessment of DTMPHM for the present study area can be found in Balenović et al. (2018)
LiDAR Digital Terrain Model (DTMLiD) – LiDAR-ski digitalni model reljefa (DTMLiD )
The DTMLiD was provided by the Hrvatske Vode Ltd. (Zagreb, Croatia) in the raster format with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m. The LiDAR data were collected with an Optech ALTM Gemini 167 laser scanner under the leaf-on conditions in several surveys between 29 June and 25 August 2016. The resulting point densities considering ‘all returns’ and the ‘last return’ were 13.64 points∙m–2 and 9.71