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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2018 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF

Effects of different media and hormones on propagation by cuttings of european yew (Taxusaxus baccata L.)
Utjecaj različitih supstrata i hormona na zakorjenjivanje reznica obične tise (Taxus baccata L.)
Ali Bayraktar, Fahrettin Atar, Nebahat Yildirim, Ibrahim Turna
European yew (Taxus baccata L.), native in North and Central Europe, Mediterranean countries, Azores, Turkey and Caucasus, has a wide range of uses as a non-wood forest product. Because the species is reduced in nature as a result of widespread utilization, it is necessary to protect and reproduce yew. The effects of different greenhouse media, rooting media and hormones were investigated on propagation by cutting of European yew. For the experiment, three greenhouse media (Greenhouse-1 media with air temperature at 20±2°C, rooting table temperature at 20±2°C, Greenhouse-2 media with air temperature at 20±2°C, rooting table temperature at 25±2°C and Greenhouse-3 media without temperature adjustment), two rooting media (perlite and peat) and four hormones (IBA 1000 ppm, IBA 5000 ppm, NAA 1000 ppm and NAA 5000 ppm) were determined in the present study. The rooting percentage, callus percentage, root length and the number of roots were determined. The results showed that the highest rooting percentage was 80% in IBA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-2 media. It can be suggested that the rooting table temperature should be 5°C higher than the air temperature, perlite rooting media and 5000 ppm dosage of IBA hormone should be used for high rooting success.
Key Words: Taxus baccata, Cutting propagation, Greenhouse media, Rooting media, Auxin
European yew (Taxus baccata L.), belonging to Taxaceae family, spreads over North and Central Europe, Mediterranean countries, Azores, Turkey and Caucasus. It is often multi-stemmed and its height is generally 15-25 m, but its trunks can be very large: up to 4 m in diameter. Mature fruits are red fleshy succulents looking. Propagation of the species can be made with seed, cutting or grafting. It is a preferred species in parks and gardens suitable for pruning. But shoots, leaves and seeds are extremely poisonous (Thomas and Polwart, 2003; Anşin and Özkan, 2006; Mamıkoğlu, 2015; Benham et al. 2016). There has been a decrease in many places because it is extremely toxic. At the present time, it is not considered to be a commercial crop because of its extremely slow growth rate. However, it is valued as an amenity tree for hedging. In recent years, the species has become important due to the taxane alkaloids found in its foliage, and also in its bark in minute amounts, that have been developed as an anticancer drug. Today, forests harbouring yew have been designated as special protection areas (Shemluck, 2003; Benham et al. 2016). The