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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2018 str. 41     <-- 41 -->        PDF

4.2 Accessibility analysis according to the ANGst standard – 4.2. Analiza dostupnosti prema ANGst standardu
UGS accessibility was analysed according to the ANGst standard, proposed by the English Nature (2003). Following the approach of Barbosa et al. (2007), Comber et al. (2008) and Kuta et al. (2014) private gardens and agricultural areas were excluded from the accessibility analysis because they were not available to all inhabitants of the city. For each extracted UGS bigger than 2 ha, the access point was determined (Fig. 3).
Since in the ANGst document two variables of cost are listed (5minute of walking time and nonlinear distance of 300 m), zones of accessibility were created based on two cost attributes. According to Combert et al. (2008) and Sotoudehnia and Comber (2011), the most precise variable in the performance of the accessibility analysis is the walking time (min) to the UGS. Based on this variable statistical circles in which less than 10% of the population have an available green area (> 2 ha) within a five minute of walk are: 135356, 135364, 135372, 135399, 135402, 135429, 135500, 135518, 135526, 135615, 135623, and 135631. Statistical circles in which 0% of the population has an available green area (> 2 ha) within a five-minute walk, based on both cost attributes are: 135364, 135500, 135518 and 135526. According to the variable of walking time, in the settlement of Zadar 27,767 people (38.85% of the total population) have access to a green space larger than 2 hectares. Since ANGst states that the entire population of the city should have access to green space, it is clear that Zadar does not meet this standard. However, this is also the case with other cities for which this analysis has been made (Kazmierczak et al., 2010), and in the comparison with them, Zadar achieved slightly better results. Comber et al. (2008) followed the same methodology of accessibility analysis for the city of Leicester and concluded that this standard was available only to 10.3% of the population. Barbosa et al. (2007) analysed UGS accessibility for Sheffield and pointed out that only 36.5% of households met the condition of having an accessible green area within 300 m a five minute walk.
4.3 Generating UGS accessibility indicators – 4.3. Generiranje indikatora dostupnosti UZP-a
The first objective measure taken into account while calculating the UGS accessibility indicator was the average UGS