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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

Dokuš, A., 1981: Prilog za poznavanje početnog rasta šest vrsta četinjača u Gorskom kotaru. Rad Šumars Inst, 47: 41 – 64.
Dokuš, A., J. Gračan, 1977: Komparativan pokus šest vrsta četinjača u “Rogima” - gospod. Jedinica “Zalesina”, odjel 43 i pripremni radovi na osnivanju pokusa provenijencija obične smreke, Izvještaj za 1977. g. Šumarski institut, Jastrebarsko.
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Dubravac, T., V. Krejči, B. Vrbek, 2006: Struktura i razvoj 161 godinu stare smrekove kulture. – Structure and Development of a 161 Year-old Spruce Culture. Šumar List, 5-6 (2006): 219 – 229.
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Hankin, S. L., J. Karst, S. M. Landhäusser, 2015: Influence of tree species and salvaged soils on the recovery of ectomycorrhizal fungi in upland boreal forest restoration after surface mining. Botany, 93 (5): p 10.
Hlásny, T., C. Mátyás, R. Seidl, L. Kulla, K. Merganičová, J. Trombik, L. Dobor, Z. Barcza, B. Konôpka, 2014: Climate change increases the drought risk in Central European forests: What are the options for adaptation? Lesn. Cas. For. J. 60, 5 – 18.
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Klašnja, B., S. Orlović, M. Drekić, N. Radosavljević, M. Marković, 2007: Mogućnosti korišćenja drveta topola u hemijskoj i mehaničkoj preradi. Topola 179/180, 3 – 14.
Klašnja, B., S. Orlović, K. Redei, Z. Galić, M. Stevanov, 2009: Mogućnost primene biomase sedmogodišnjeg zasada topola za dobijanje energije. Topola 183/184, 75 – 86.
Komlenović, N., S. Orlić, P. Rastovski, 1995: Uspijevanje šest vrsta četinjača u području bujadnica i vriština. Šumar List, 5 – 6: 169 – 178.
Kremer, D., 2006: Morphological differences between white ash (Fraxinus americana L.) and green ash (F. pennsylvanica Marshall) introduced in Croatia. Šumar List 130 (7 – 8): 305 – 318.
Kremer, D., Ž. Borzan, 2009: Rasprostranjenost američkog bijelog jasena (Fraxinus americana L.) i pensilvanskog jasena (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) u Pokuplju, Posavini i dijelu Podunavlja. Znanost u potrajnom gospodarenju hrvatskim šumama, M. Slavko, A. Krpan, J. Gračan, (ed). Zagreb: Šumarski fakultet, Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko, 2001: 87 – 93.
Kutnar, L., A. Kobler, 2011: Prediction of forest vegetation shift due to different climate-change scenarios in Slovenia. Šumar List, 3 – 4: 113 – 126.
Lindner, M., M. Maroschek, S. Netherer, A. Kremer, A., Barbati, J. Garcia-Gonzalo, R., Seidl, S. Delzon, P. Corona, M. Kolstrom, M., Lexer, M., Marchetti, 2010: Climate change impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of European forest ecosystems. Forest Ecol Manag 259: 698 – 709.
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Ministry of agriculture, 2005: Forest Law (In Croatian). Available at:
Ministry of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, 2010: First national forest inventory. Zagreb (In Croatian).
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Orlić, S., S. Perić, 2001: Pokus provenijencija sitkanske smreke (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) u okolici Bjelovara; Rad Šumars Inst 36 (1): 33 – 43, Jastrebarsko.
Orlić, S., 1998: International test of Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) provenances in Croatia. Šumar List br. 5 – 6: 213 – 220.
Orlić, S., N. Komlenović, P. Rastovski, M. Ocvirek, 1997: Growth and biomass production of six coniferous species on luvisol. Šumar list, 7 – 8: 361 – 370.
Orlić, S., M. Ocvirek, 1996: The research on the Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) Provenance in Croatia. Šumar list, 120 (11 – 12): 455 – 462 .
Orlić, S., M. Ocvirek, 1995: The growth of seven North - American tree species on experimental plots in heathlands area of Croatia. Rad Šumars Inst 30 (2): 141 – 151.
Orlić, S., 1994: Research results of comparative cultivation of domestic and foregin conifer species at beech site. Rad Šumars Inst, 29 (2): 247 – 258.
Orlić, S., M. Ocvirek, 1993: Growth of domestic and foreign conifer species in young cultures on fernery and heath areas of Croatia. Rad Šumars Inst, 28 (1 – 2): 91 – 103.
Orlić, S., 1983: Rezultati komparativnog uzgoja nekih domaćih i stranih vrsta četinjača. Šumar list broj 3 – 4: 207 – 215.
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Orlić, S., 1979: Prvi rezultati komparativnog pokusa uzgajanja nekih domaćih i stranih vrsta četinjača. Šumar list broj 9 – 10: 433 – 443.