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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

80 years, when it can reach 32 m height and 42 cm d.b.h. (Mayer and Rajković 2008). Diseases, insects and game rarely damage it. It dies off only in extremely bad habitat conditions, especially in morasses waterlogged over long periods. The silvicultural objective is to produce large diameter trees/logs in widely spaced rows in a short time. A further objective is to increase the area of black walnut plantations up to 2,500 ha, so that in the future, at rotation age of 80 years, around 30 ha, with a standing volume of ca. 300 m3/ha can be clear-felled yearly. The share of industrial wood is very high and often exceeds 80% of the overall wood production.
3.1.3. Use of fast-growing tree species for bioenergy production in higher proportion – Povećanje uporabe brzorastućih vrsta drveća za proizvodnju bioenergije
Apart from industrial wood production, NNTS also found a suitable place in short rotation forestry (SRF) for bioenergy production (e.g. plantations of poplar clones, eucalypts and black locust). The most important NNTS for bioenergy production in Balkan region are poplars (e.g. Klašnja et al. 2007, 2009; Stevanov et al. 2010). We should also develop a way to involve black locust and its excellent energy production properties, such as (Rédei et al. 2008): vigorous growing potential in juvenile phase, excellent coppicing ability, high wood density, high dry matter production, favourable wood combustibility, relatively fast drying, easy harvesting and wood processing. Paulownia hybrids, which gain on public attention in Croatia in the recent years, thus becoming among the most interesting species for plantation establishment among private forest owners and agriculturists. In our country this very productive hybrid is under the supervision of Ministry for Environment and Energy and currently can be used on agricultural land (it is on the list of agricultural species). To our knowledge, there are no Paulownia sp. plantations on state-owned forest land, but the number of private forest managers, interested in this