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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 48 <-- 48 --> PDF |
In Turkey, having various geographical regions and different climates, the number of M. putorius must be much higher than recorded so far. So, new studies should be conducted on this species intensively. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ZAHVALA This research supported by National Biological Diversity Inventory and Monitoring Project of Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs. Also, the authors thank the Director, Bayburt DKMPGM personnel. REFERENCES LITERATURA Animal diversity web. 2017: Berzins, R. and Ruette, S. 2014: Status of the Polecat Mustela putorius (Linnaeus,1758) in France and management implications. Munibe Monographs, Nature Series 3: pp.101-108 Calenge, C., Chadoeuf, J., Giraud, C., Huet, S., Julliard, R., Monestiez, P. Piffady, J. Pinaud, D. and Ruette, S. 2015:The spatial distribution of Mustelidae in France. PLoS One10 (3 (e0121689)): pp. 1-18. Demirsoy, A. 1996: Türkiye Omurgalıları-Memeliler, Çevre Bakanlığı, Proje No: 90K 1000 90, Ankara. pp. 292 Environment Agency. 1998: Species and Habitats Handbook. The Environment Agency, Bristol. Griffiths, H. and Cuzin, F. In press. Mustela putorius. In: J. S. Kingdon and M. Hoffmann (eds), The Mammals of Africa, Academic Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Infofauna 2016: Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758. Available at: (Accessed: 5 March 2016). IUCN 2017:The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. MacDonald and Barrett. (2005) Mammals of Britain and Europe, Collins Field Guide. Macdonald, D. 2001:The New Encyclopedia of Mammals. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Macdonald, D.W. and Tattersall, F.T. 2001: Britain’s mammals- the challenge for conservation. The Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Oxford University. Virgós, E. 2007: Mustela putorius, Linnaeus, 1758. In: Palomo, L.J., Gisbert, J. and Blanco J.C. (eds), Atlas y Libro Rojo de los mamíferos terrestres de España, pp. 294-298. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza, SECEM-SECEMU, Madrid, Spain. Sažetak Ovo istraživanje se bavi tvorom Mustela putoriu,s pronađenim na jednom lokalitetetu (blizu rijeke Kop u Bayburtu) u regiji Istočno Crno More u Turskoj. Ovo je novoutvrđena vrsta za sjevernoistočnu Anatoliju te grad Bayburt. Tvor je ranije primijećen u regiji Marmara i Zapadnom Crnom Moru. Prikazane su morfološke i distribucijske karakteristike ove vrste. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: tvor, bioraznolikost, rasprostranjenost, novi nalaz, sjevernoistočna Anatolija |