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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

eliminate the negative impact of lack of precipitation by a sufficient supply of groundwater.
The information obtained in this study is relevant in terms of better knowledge of the growth characteristics and ecology of the taxa, as well as in terms of the practical application of the grey alder populations in the forest and landscape management. Positive ameliorative effect on soil and microclimate are most known and utilized functions, but recently also stabilizing function comes into the foreground. This function is used in conversions of tree species composition of endangered forest ecosystems, especially of foothill spruce forests. Grey alder gains an importance in the formation of stabilizing belts in the endangered areas (Marhefka, 2014). Using grey alder on areas outside the river basin, e.g. for afforestation of non-forest land or in stabilizing belts, probably totally eliminates the negative impact of precipitations on the root system. It will cease likely to be negatively affected by precipitations of the previous year and will be sensitive to the precipitations of the current year.
This study was supported by projects of Scientific Grand Agency of the Ministry of Education – VEGA 1/0040/15 and VEGA 1/0492/17.
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