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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

temperatures are visible in Figure 3 (above). To remove a growth trend detrended standard chronology is used (Figure 3 below). The statistics are given in the Table 3.
Statistically significant standard chronology correlation with temperature is recorded for April (positive) and with precipitations for a previous growing season (negative) (Table 3, Figure 4). Courses of the standard chronology, April temperatures and precipitations of previous growing seasons are shown in Figure 3. Correlations of the standard chronology with monthly precipitations are mostly negative (Figure 4). Positive although insignificant correlations are recorded for summer months. Correlations with monthly temperatures are mostly positive. High temperatures in October affect growth in a considerably negative way.
Growth sensitivity of the analysed individuals of grey alder in the whole basin is shown in Figure 5. From the analysis of pointer years relatively low degree of sensitivity to the external factors is evident. The average intensity of the positive year expressions is 15.37% and of the negative year