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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

defined by the „Guide for assessing favorable conservation status of species and habitat types in Natura 2000 in Bulgaria“ regulations and it is an important step for the management planning of their maintaining or improving. According to the parameter 2.5 of methodology adopted, the presence of certain quantities of dead wood is considered as a key indicator to assess the status of forest habitats.
For example, in natural beech habitats the dead wood must be not less than 8% of the stock of the stand from which at least 10 trees per ha have to be standing according to parameter 2.5 „Quantity of dead wood“. To achieve the favorable conservation status for this component, 60% of the habitat has to meet the indicator. The amount of dead wood less this rate is presume for “unfavourable - unsatisfactory” state of habitat. Depending on the evaluation of FCS, forestry activities should be planned and implemented in a way that ensures the achievement and maintenance of this status.
In relation with abovementioned, a possible areas of application of the research results are assessment of conservation status of the forest habitats and giving recommendations for environmentally oriented management of the stands.
In our research as orientation we could use these criteria to assess the quantity of dead wood by stating that it has not been evaluated within the entire habitat. The results obtained showed ratio between stocks of dead wood and total stand stock as follows: standing dead trees (number per ha): SP 1 - 8, SP 2 - 92, SP 3 -16, SP 4 -24; total dead wood (% of the stand stock): SP 1 - 3%, SP 2 - 26%, SP 3 - 4%, SP 4 - 2%.
This shows that the percentage of the total amount of dead wood to the total forest yield was insufficient from a conservation perspective in sample areas 1, 3, 4, although the standing dead trees in SP 2, 3, 4 as number reached the criterion specified in the methodology for assessment of the favorable conservation status.
An increase in dead wood volumes must be carried out in accordance with the forest type. Thus, in order to fulfil the requirements of Natura 2000 network and as many wood-depending organisms as possible, it is important to preserve not only larger amounts of dead wood, but also dead wood of different types and dimensions. This can be achieved as after the logging, part of the dead wood (not less than 8% of the stock of the stand) was left in the clearings.
The investigations are funded project № 19/19.01.2016: „Stocks and role of dead biomass in forest ecosystems of common beech in West Balkan Range“, SIS-UF.
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