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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

the data at national level are not specific to beech forests, but they are an average result for the quantity of deadwood in different types of forests in the country, and in some of them there is very low quantity.
The comparison of the data obtained from the four sample areas showed that the dead wood biomass prevailed in SP 2, which was logical, since it recently has suffered from snow falls. This was the youngest stand, which was the most unstable in respect of such abiotic factors. The quantity of the lying dead biomass was the highest in it also. The harvesting intensity is low because there is no economic profit as the foresters have machinery only for big trees so the quantities of dead wood are highest.
In SP 4 the quantity of the lying dead wood was least. Due to accessible and convenient road network, small slope and proximity to anthropogenic object (restaurant) the fallen wood was the most probably exported from the staff of the adjacent industrial sites. But because of prolonged entry periods for felling, low logging intensity we can expect higher total deadwood stocks in the future.
In SP 3 the big slope, and the distance from settlements determined the presence of larger quantities lying dead wood biomass, which were inconvenient to be transported. Also because of lack of harvesting last 60 years the total stocks of dead wood are high.
The stumps dominated in SP 4, as in this stand more intensive silvicultural activities have been conducted over the last 20 years. Their quantity was the lowest in SP 3 (seed base), due to the lack of forestry measures because of the special regime.
The standing dead trees were least at SP 1. There the density was the lowest and it probably lead to a reduction of competition between individuals, which in turn was the reason for the presence of a more vital trees. And also because of lack of disturbances, harvesting at last 18 years and fact that rotation is not foreseen the total stocks of dead mass in this sample plot are lower.
In the other sampling areas, the density was higher, which leads to an increased competition and consequently to suppression of certain individuals. As a result, it was observed subsequent worsening, easier brittleness of the stems, and a higher susceptibility to attack from diseases and pests, leading to drying.
The dead wood is included as one of the important parameters for defining the Favourable Conservation Status (FCS) of forest ecosystems in the NATURA 2000 sites. It is