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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2018 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

horizon was 80%. Total coverage of phytocoenotic horizon II was 30%, as it included 21 plant species. This sample plot is special category because it is in water catchment zone. The harvesting intensity is 15% and the rotation period is 120-150 years. The applied cuttings are selective.
Dead biomass measurement – Mjerenje mrtve biomase
To take in mind all aspects of dead wood, it is necessary to define its different components. Generally dead wood can be divided into three main components:
1) standing dead wood – standing withered trees and broken stems, resulting from natural processes of loss;
2) lying dead wood - fallen and uprooted trees, stems and branches as a result of natural processes and logging activities
a. coarse debris - wood with a length of more than 1 m and diameter - larger than 10 cm
b. fine wood - wood with diameter less than 10 cm
3) stumps - part of the base of the stem which remains after its cutting
1. Standing dead biomass – Dubeća mrtva biomasa
To establish the stock of dead wood a sample plots with square shape and size 50/50 m (2500 m2) were settled. To determine the amount of standing dead wood, the diameter of 1,30 m height and the height of all standing dead trees were measured, then their volume was calculated with height rates tables Duhovnikov (Poriazov et al. 2004). The height order was determined according the diameter of 1,30 m height and the height of each tree stem with help of tables for natural common beech stands. Then the volume (m3) value for each tree according its diameter from each height order was taken. Then the sum of volumes of dead standing trees was given (m3.hа-1).
At the specific table for each height order for each tree according its diameter
2. Lying dead wood – Ležeće mrtvo drvo
The method of line intersect sampling (Warren, Olsen 1964; Van Wagner 1968), adapted by Lazarov et al. (2012) and approved by Ministry of Environment and water was used for determination of the lying dead wood stocks.
The diagonals that intersect randomly fallen and lying on the surface tree trunks and branches were outlined. The diameter at the intersection was measured.
The volume of fallen deadwood was calculated as follows (1):
                V = p2 Σni-1 di2/8L    (1)
– V – volume of lying dead wood (m3.hа-1)
– di – diameter in the point of intersection (cm)
– L – length of transect (m)
3. Stumps – Panjevi
The diameter and height of each stump were determined. The volume of the stumps was calculated as follows (2):
                V = p. r2.h               (2)
– V – volume of dead stumps (m3.hа-1)
– r – radius (m)
– h – height of the stump (m)