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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2018 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

Except for the average number of conelets in 2015, control ramets in the middle-aged seed orchard reached higher conelet and cone averages than the pruned ramets. Even though the average number of cones was relatively low both for control and pruned ramets in 2013, it was increased in 2014 and 2015 for both groups (Figure 8).
In the analysis of variance conducted for the middle-aged seed orchard, none of the factors were found to be significant(Table 6). Neither the diameter at breast height, nor the volume index was found to have a statistically significant effect on the number of conelets and cones.
Three-year data on conelets and cones for the young seed orchard are given in Table 7. While mean conelet number was 22.52 for control ramets and 20.96 for the pruned ramets. Mean cone numbers for the control ramets and pruned ramets were 17.83 and 16.89, respectively.
Although pruned ramets had a higher mean conelet number in 2014 and a higher mean cone number in 2015 than the control ramets in the young seed orchard, both numbers were lower in the other years (Figure 9). Since cone