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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2018 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

the mean values of the control ramets were higher than pruned clones (Figure 6). In 2012, the mean height was decreased from 5.20 m to 4.02 m (118 cm) through the pruning of terminal shoots. While the difference between the mean heights of the control ramets and of ramets with pruned terminal shoots was 153 cm in 2012, the differences in 2013, 2014 and 2015 were 78 cm, 80 cm and 92 cm, respectively. At the end of four years, the diameters of control ramets grew 1.5 cm larger than the diameter of ramets that had their terminal shoots pruned.
Conelet and cone production – Urod češerčića i češera
At the old seed orchard, mean number of conelets of the control ramets was 26.21, while the mean number of conelets of the ramets pruned by three and five nodes were 19.66 and 18.52, respectively. The average number of cones at the old seed orchard, in turn, were 67.50, 70.40 and 58.33, respectively (Table 3).
In 2012, mean number of cones was very high when compared to other years (Figure 7). Even though the control ramets had a higher average, the average number of cones was higher in 2012 for ramets pruned at 3 nodes. The control ramets reached a higher number of conelets than the ramets that were pruned.
The analysis of variance for the old seed orchard revealed that thenumber of cones was statistically significant for the years (Table 4). Even though the block was statistically significant in terms of the number of conelets, the other factors were found to be statistically non-significant for the numbers of conelets and cones. In addition, diameter at breast height and volume index, which were included into the model as covariates, didn’t effect on conelet and cone production.
At the middle-aged seed orchard for the control ramets and ramets pruned at one node, the three-year mean conelet number was 11.34 and 9.56, respectively, while mean cone number was 13.18 and 9.23, respectively (Table 5).