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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2018 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

a decrease in mean height from the 6.79 m to 5.54 m (125 cm). While the difference between the mean height of control ramets and the ramets pruned at one node was 159 cm in 2012, the differences in 2013, 2014 and 2015 were 128, 178 and 58 cm, respectively.
At the young seed orchard where terminal shoots were pruned, control ramets reached a higher average height, diameter at breast height and volume index compared to the ramets that had their terminal shoots pruned (Figure 5). The mean height of the control ramets was 6.39 meters, whereas the average height of the ramets with pruned terminal shoots was 5.68 m.
The comparison of the height, diameter at breast height and volume index values according to the years revealed that