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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2018 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

canopy trees bordering the gaps. The expanded gap is the forest gap plus the area extending to the bases of the canopy trees surrounding the gap (Runkle 1982). The forest gap edge was determined by vertical crown projection of edge trees surrounding the gap (Rozenbergar et al. 2007). The gap edge area is the area from the edge of the crowns towards the gap to the tree trunks surrounding the gap, i.e. the area towards the gap covered by the crowns of the edge trees. The basic data on the investigated forest gaps are shown in Table 1.
The soil type of the forest gaps and control plots was calcocambisol, and the geological substrate or parent material was Jurassic limestone. The canopy density of control plots was incomplete. The growing stock of control plots ranged from 283 to 293 m3 ha-1, with a share of 45 to 62% common beech, 31 to 44% silver fir, 6% sycamore maple, 3% spruce and from 1 to 2% other broadleaf species. The surface area of forest gaps was calculated by the ellipse formula (Runkle 1982) and corrected with the use of GPS and GIS tools.
Measurement of microclimate elements – Mjerenje mikroklimatskih elemenata
Microclimate elements were measured in one large and one small forest gap and in the control plots. Within each forest gap, the gap centre and the gap directions towards the cardinal points were determined according to the Runkle