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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2018 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF

For each of the phenoform groups (early, intermediate and late flushing groups), an appropriate model for the prediction of the unfolding trait is specified and selected. The timing of leaf unfolding is also an important characteristic related to pests and insects and to the occurrence of the late spring frost. The models based the observations obtained over ten years should be applied to other clonal seed orchards and natural stands of Pedunculate Oak to verify their universality and to maintain their constancy and applicability.
This work was supported by Croatian Science Foundation through the research project FRAXINPRO [IP-11-2013].
The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Francois Lefèvre and Dr. Yongshuo H. Fu for constructive comments. Special thanks to Marina Antulov, MSc and Bernarda Bukovac, MSc for their kind support in collecting of data in seed orchard.
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