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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2017 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

Jenness (2006). Layer of calculated landform was overlapped with other thematic maps of interest for the analyses of preferred areas for the Nature Park’s visitors, i.e. meadows; recreational sites; hiker guest houses; old mine etc. Furthermore, landform data were combined, using GIS spatial operations with: map of habitats; Shannon-Wiener index of habitats per MTB 1/64 unit; plant diversity per MTB 1/64 unit. Obtained results were further analysed with descriptive statistics, while interactions were tested using linear regression.
For each MTB quadrant the Shannon-Wiener indexes of relief and habitats diversity were calculated using the formula:
where p represents percentage of area occupied by distinct landform of habitat class in particular MTB quadrant.
MTB quadrants in which are seven most visited areas (Puntijarka, Tomislav lodge – Vidikovac, ski track, Grafičar, Hunjka, Medvedgrad and the spring Kraljičin zdenac) were identified according to the analysed survey conducted among the visitors on their habits in the Park (Malić-Limari, 2009) as well as according to the employee’s experience. In Table 1 values of habitat and relief diversity, as well as number of plant species in those MTB quadrants are shown. Range of those values we used for selection of other MTB quadrants in additive manner i.e. to be selected MTB quadrant has to have all three values within range of values found in seven identified MTB quadrants. This way we found MTB quadrants that has similar properties as most frequently visited ones, in terms of its diversity, hence with potential to attract visitors to these „new” areas.
Secondly, we calculated descriptive statistics for number of plant species, habitat and relief Shannon-Wiener diversity across all MTB quadrants (Table 2). These values we used for reclassification scheme as follows:
a) If the value is between the minimum and the lower quartile, the value is 0
b) If the value is between the lower quartile and the arithmetical mean, the value is 0.25
c) If the value is between the arithmetical mean and the upper quartile, the value is 0.5
d) If the value is between the upper quartile and the maximum, the value is 1,
for number of plant species and habitat diversity. We presumed that greater reclassified value indicates the greater quadrant values in terms of its diversity and attractiveness potential for visitors. The exception was made for relief values where greater value can at the same time show the well-indented relief which makes it hardly passable hence less attractive for visitors. Therefore, the relief index values between lower and upper quartiles were chosen as the most favourable ones with highest value. Finally, reclassified values were summed per each MTB quadrant, and values compared amongst most frequently visited quadrants, and rest of it.
Calculated values of Shannon-Wiener index of habitat diversity per landform classes for different spatial resolutions of habitat/vegetation are shown in Table 3. Calculated values of Shannon-Wiener index of habitat diversity per spatial unit is correlated with the spatial map resolution where lower spatial resolution has lower value of diversity index. All correlations