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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2017 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

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From the aspect of forest fires, the forest floor is considered a potential fuel: however, in the context of current global climate change it plays an exceptionally important role in the exchange of matter and energy and of carbon in particular. For this reason, forest floor data are traditionally used in forest fire danger rating and in fire behavior and spread models. More recently they have also been used to estimate emissions of carbon and other gasses and to gasses and to quantify carbon stocks. The main objectives of this study are to a) determine the depth, bulk density and fuel load for each forest floor horizon with the associated carbon stock in Aleppo pine stands and b) develop regression models that relate forest floor depth to forest floor fuel load and forest floor depth to forest floor carbon stock, for horizons and for the entire forest floor. Forest floor sampling was carried out in Aleppo pine stands situated in Mljet National Park, per 0-50 cm, 100-150 cm and 200-250 cm circumference classes. Each forest floor horizon was sampled separately, and fuel load and organic carbon content were determined for each horizon. Our results suggest that Aleppo pine stands contain significant carbon stocks in the forest floor, but relations and processes that influence these stocks have not been sufficiently studied. This is supported by significantly greater forest floor depths and fuel loads in Aleppo pine stands than previously reported. Thus, the mean depth of forest floor of 9.0 cm, fuel load of 94.3 Mg ha-1, and carbon stock of 37 Mg