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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2017 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

Marziliano et al. (2015) have reported, for Phillyrea latifolia individuals, that9.15% of biomass is stored in leaves, 50.24% in aboveground, and 40.6% in belowground. Mean root/shoot ratio was found to be 0.68. In a study that has been carried out in Portugal, the root/shoot ratio of Mediterranean woody plants has been determined (40 scrubs from 18 species) to vary between 3.7 (Arbutus unedo) and 0.1 (Cystus multiflorus) (Silva and Rego, 2004). In our study, the root/shoot ratio was found to be 1.698. In our study, while the dominant species up to 1000 m altitude was Phillyrea latifolia L., it is attention-grabbing that the root/shoot ratios differed significantly from those found by Marziliano et al. (2015).
In studies on determining the portion of foliage within the aboveground biomass of Phillyrea latifolia; Armand et al. (1993) have found that ratio to be 27% in France, Marziliano et al. (2015) found it to be 15% in Italy and Topic et al. (2009) found it to be 7% in Croatia. In our study, this value varied between 12.6% and 18.9%. The studies that have been carried out on areas, where the P. latifolia is the dominant species, revealed that even the same species shows wide variation in different habitats.
In general, it was observed that the sunny exposures had more biomass. A linear relation was observed between the mean vegetation height and mean biomass. It can be concluded that the mean age and altitude values are independent from biomass. The graphical relation observed between exposure and vegetation height levels and biomass values were found to be nonsignificant in statistical assessments (figure 1).
The reason of that is the wide variation shown by the data obtained from plot areas. On the other hand, correlating the subsequent studies on determining the maquis biomass with the mean vegetation heights is the most acceptable approach.
In Eastern Mediterranean region, which is our study area, maquis constitutes 2.7% of the vegetation as of the year 2007, while it is expected to increase to 14% in 2070s due to the climate change (Tamai et al., 2007). Despite its important potential, there is not enough study on maquis populations. Considering the habitats, where the maquis vegetation spreads over, it is seen that those lands are stony-rocky, where the absolute soil depth is very low. It is very difficult to establish any production forests on these lands, and it is even impossible on some locations. The maquis populations grown under these conditions retain significant amount of biomass and also carbon in their aboveground and belowground organs. When compared, the Taurus cedar, which is one of the main dominant species of the region, retains 136-326 ton/ha aboveground biomass at 100th age according to site classes, while Calabrian pine retains 89-169 ton/ha (Durkaya et al, 2013, Durkaya et al., 2015). In our study, the mean aboveground biomass storage was found to be 24.183 ton/ha at relatively less ages in maquis scrubland. The biomass storage capacity of maquis at locations, where it is very difficult and even impossible to establish effective production forests, is attention-grabbing.
Besides being a carbon sink and containing high-level of biodiversity within their structures, maquis populations also serve for many traditional purposes such as providing feed in animal husbandry, firewood, and hunting. It is very likely that these utilizations will continue in future. In order to sustain the maquis, which are exposed to multidirectional and even excessive use, and to maintain their benefits, it is necessary to know the maquis scrublands and to establish the protection-usage balance via the obtained data. In establishing the protection-utilization balance, especially replacing the rural population’s use for energy purposes with the use of logging residues would be an efficient solution (Eker, 2014, Alkan et al. 2014). The most important problem here is that the maquis scrublands involve significant variations even in short distances. For this reason, carrying out the studies on maquis vegetation should be within narrow areas in order to achieve more reliable results.
Alkan, H., M. Korkmaz, M. Eker, 2014:Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Utilization of Logging Residues for Bioenergy in Turkey. Croat.J.For.Eng. 35/2: 153-165.
Arıcak, B., A. Bulut, A.O. Altunel, O.E. Sakıcı, 2015: Estimating Above Ground Carbon Biomass Using Satellite Image Reflection Values: A Case Study in Camyazi Forest Directorate, Turkey. Sumarski List, 7-8:369-376.
Armand, D., M. Etienne, C. Legrand, J. Marechal, J.C. Valette, 1993: Phytovolume, phytomasse et relations structurales chez quelques arbustes méditerranéens [Phytovolume, phytomass and structural relationships of certain Mediterranean shrubs]. Annals For Science, 50: 79–89.
Birdsey, R. A. 1992: Carbon Storage and Accumulation in United States Forest Ecosystems, USDA For Serv. Gen Tech. Rep/ WO-59, p. 51.