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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

occurring after one year are not meaningful because changes in available fine fuel are minor.
The fire characteristics chart (Figure 4) emphasizes the previous findings on the differences between fuel complexes. Low maquis is characterized by relatively fast spread rate and high heat release per unit area, whereas tall maquis is lower in spread rate and energy release, due to the factors previously discussed. Two more distinct situations arise, respectively (i) fresh slash fuels, with low spread potential but high energy release rate, and (ii) slash fuels lacking needles and pine litter, with both low spread and low heat per unit area.
In this study we have developed custom fuel models for important fuel types in Turkey by combining measured and literature-collected fuel characteristics with fire behavior observed in experimental fires. Fire behavior simulations based on the fuel models developed for low and tall maquis, Anatolian black pine litter and different slash ages and loads were quite effective in showing the distinct fire potentials associated with these fuel types. Fire spread and intensity predictions for horizontally-dominated fuels closely matched the observed fire behavior characteristics.