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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF

10% of the visitors stated that crowdedness had a negative impact on their visit. Crowdedness in arrival/departure was exceptionally marked in the NP Krka (Marušić i dr. 2007), and in this research in the NaP Telašćica.
4. Satisfaction with the park offer – Zadovoljstvo ponudom parka
– A large majority of visitors in 2006 on a Croatian level was very satisfied with the overall visit to the park (93%), as well as with the attractiveness of the park (86%). The park visitors in Zadar county quote an overall satisfaction with the park visit (73%), but are only medium satisfied with the attractiveness of the park (66%).
– The largest contribution to visitor satisfaction in the parks investigated in Croatia in 2007 was given to: general cleanliness, maintenance of trails, professionalism and hospitality of park staff, quality of transportation and clear information on moving in the park, interpretative panels, information material, gastronomic facilities, and quality signposts on arrival/departure, while the lowest marks were given to the quality of sanitary facilities. The visitors of the parks in this research are satisfied or medium satisfied with the cleanliness of the park and the hospitality of park staff, and at least satisfied by the quality of transportation within the park, adaptation to visitors with special needs and additional offers in the park (excursions/education) for which the majority of visitors claimed ‘I don’t know’.
– The visitors are still most impressed by the beauty and conservation status as shown in the work of (Agriconsulting S.p.A. 2005), Marušić et all. (2007) and Krpina (2009).
– The improvement of the offer and content of the park (fixing trails, improved cleanliness of the park and sanitary facilities, improved signposts in the park, information panels in different languages, more shops, more recreational elements, more offers for people with special needs, improvement of environment, infrastructure or buildings) is still important for park management. The visitors of Zadar county propose the dispersion of visitors during the day and a better marketing on the internet. 43% believe that nothing in the offer should be changed.
The comparison of results in this site-time analysis indicates the special features of the parks, the differences and similarities of the visitors in the national and nature parks of the Zadar county and the visitors in the other Croatian national and nature parks.
Finally, it can be claimed, that considering the complexity of the topic, it is broadly and variously covered in literature. Beside the listed native authors that examined the relation between visitors and protected areas in Croatia, similar results were achieved also by foreign researchers. Dalrymple i Hanley (2005), investigated on the example of the newly founded National Park Loch Lomond and Trossachs in Scotland the problem of noise, crowdedness and environmental damage and the results show that an economic evaluation of the environment can support the management of touristic resources like national parks.
Leon et all. (2005) carried out a valuation of natural features in natural areas of the Canary Islands and landscapes that tourist visit. The research was conducted by the method of conditional evaluation that includes also a questionnaire. The results show that the respective natural resources present an economic value for the tourist market on the Canary Islands, and that political measures for their improvement can contribute to a sustainable tourist product.
• The aim of this research was to model the management and the conservation of protected areas in order to conserve the originality of nature on one side and the promotion and design of a tourist product in protected areas on the other side.
• The unique methodology comprised in the same time the National Park Paklenica, the Nature Park Vransko jezero and the Nature Park Telašćica, for the first time in the Zadar county with a representative sample on the level of every single park.
• The data achieved allow a deeper insight in the attitudes and habits of the users and assured the comparability of results among different protected areas. The identical questionnaire allowed an integral analysis of all data collected and allowed an insight on the factors that impact the phenomenon of tourism in protected areas.
• The comparison of answers by parks was done by χ2 tests or Fishers exact test. For the analysis of categorical variables, Correspondence analysis (CA), or method of main components of categorical variables, was used.
• The results indicate the similarity and specificity of three protected areas (mountain landscape, island, and wetland) and in this way point out those elements of management that should be developed in an integral way, other than those that are conditioned by specific circumstances in the respective protected area or their visitors.
• The main motive for the visit of parks in the Zadar county as in the other national and nature parks of Croatia (Marušić i dr. 2007), is enjoying the natural beauties (51%). The visitors are still most impressed by the beauty