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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 56     <-- 56 -->        PDF

4. Visitor satisfaction with the park offer – Zadovoljstvo ponudom parka
In order to compare the results, the level of visitor satisfaction with the park offer was measured in the same way as in the survey (Marušić et all., 2007), where the examinees rated 26 elements of park offer from 1 (lowest mark) to 5 (highest mark) and 0 if they answered „I don’t know”. In this way it was possible to indicate the elements of tourist offer of the park to the visitors were very satisfying (advantage) and with which they were completely unsatisfied (disadvantage). The ranking was defined by the sum of averages for mark 4 (very good) and 5 (excellent). A very high level of satisfaction is achieved if the sum of very good and excellent ranks is higher than 80%, high level is achieved between 70% and 79,99%, medium level of satisfaction is achieved between 60% and 69,99%, low level of satisfaction is achieved between 50% and 59,99%, while all elements ranked lower than 50% are considered very low. In this research of visitor satisfaction with the park offer as well as the answers on the questions which are the three main reasons for the feeling of satisfaction were also answered by park staff and tourist staff from the respective area.
The overall satisfaction with the visit of NP Paklenica is very high while the staff valuated the satisfaction as medium. The visitors of the NaP PP Vransko jezero are very satisfied, while the staff believes they have a very low level of satisfaction. The visitors of NaP Telašćica have a low overall level of satisfaction, while the staff believes that their visitors are highly satisfied. The highest contributions to visitor satisfaction in the NP Paklenica are: cleanness of the park, clear signposts on main roads and within the park, organisation of trails, hospitality of staff and attractiveness of the park. They are medium satisfied with the availability of information and info materials about the park before the travel, parking areas, information panels, quality of benches and resting areas, the adaptation of objects to the natural environment and the professionalism of park staff. The visitors are less satisfied with the price of the entrance fee, the number of resting points, viewpoints, the number and cleanliness of toilets and least satisfied with transportation within the park, number of benches, number and quality of gastronomic objects, additional programmes of the park (education, excursions) as well as the adaptation to visitors with special needs. A high level of satisfaction visitors in NaP Vransko Jezero is given for