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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

The CA analysis of the visited park and the country of origin of visitors shows a high attachment of native visitors to the NP Paklenica and NaP Vransko jezero and foreign visitors to the NaP Telašćica. The overall connection (c2) between the variables of the visited park and the country of origin of visitors (figure 3) is 231,882. The first dimension explains 67,17% of the overall connection, whilst the second one explains 32,83%.
Most of the park visitors have higher or high education (65%). An above average percentage of university educated visitors is present in NP Paklenica (44%). 25% of the visitors have an average income higher than 2,500 €, out of which the majority (32%) are visitors of NaP Telašćica.
In the research (Marušić et all. 2007), we differentiate ‘motivated by nature’ visitors – motivated by their stay in a natural environment and characterized by a high level of specialization, and ‘attracted by nature’ visitors for whom natural attractions are of periphery interest. The level of specialisation was measured through the subscription on media related to nature, membership in ecological or similar NGOs and the frequency of visits to protected areas.
The overall measure of connection (c2) between the variables of following eco media, membership in ecological societies, visiting parks (in Croatia and worldwide in the last year, not referring to the current visit of the interview) and the park is 27,1463. The first dimension explains 77,83% of the overall connection, while the second presents 22,17%. The CA analysis on figure 4 shows that there are more motivated by nature visitors in the NP Paklenica and NaP Vransko jezero, while the visitors of NaP Telašćica are more nature attracted.
A part of (52%) of the visitors of NaP Vransko jezero are following publications related to nature conservation and ecology, 49% of the visitors of NaP Telašćica and at least (38%) the visitors of Paklenica NP. The highest affinity for active staying in a natural environment is shown by the visitors of the Paklenica NP, 24% are members of some ecological NGO, whilst the number is a bit lower among the visitors of NaP Vransko Jezero (19%) and the NaP Telašćica (17%). Most of the visitors from Croatia and abroad that frequently visit National and/or Nature parks are visiting the NP Paklenica (six or more times), whilst three and more