prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

at the same time the collection of quantitative and qualitative data as well as a statistical analysis. Qualitative data were used to gain deeper understanding of the qualitative data in order for a better interpretation. The specific questions with a number of answers offered, asking the examinee to value his satisfaction with a specific offer according to the Liquert scale and to judge their interest for a certain offer or activity, are designed to reflect the basic orientation of values of the visitors (from ecocentric to anthropocentric) as well as their attitude towards protected areas and to reveal their behaviour, which allows to define their attitude and estimate future behaviour. How this fits into the theory of planned behaviour and the theory of orientation of values will be one of the results of this research.
The content of the questionnaire includes: Socio-demographic profile of the tourist; motives of arrival, characteristic of the visit and activities in the park; quality of the park; satisfaction with the offer in the park. In order to allow the results of this survey to be compared with the results of Tomas 2006 National Parks and Nature Parks (Marušić i dr. 2007), the questionnaire were designed in the same pattern.
Processing and Data Analysis – Obrada i analiza podataka
Parallel to the questionnaire survey a Windows Excell database was designed and developed. The data analysis was conducted by using the programme package SAS®System. For all analyzed variables a descriptive statistic was done, meaning the calculation of the frequency of answers as well as the arithmetic mean. The comparison of the results between the parks was analyzed by χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test. For the analysis of category variables the CA (Correspondence Analysis), e.g. method of main components of category variables was used.
The results of the research are presented according to:
1. Socio-demographic profile of park visitors
2. Motives of arrival, characteristics of the visit and activities in the park
3. Quality of the park
4. Satisfaction with the offer of the park
The results of all analysed parameters are shown in graphs and tables by every individual park.
1. Socio-demographic profile of visitors (age, gender, country of origin, level of education, monthly income of the household, connection to nature)
Sociodemografski profil posjetitelja (dob, spol, zemlja porijekla posjetitelja, stupanj obrazovanja, mjesečni prihodi kućanstva, vezanost za prirodu)
Of all visitors 55% are female, 45% male (figure 2). Most female visitors are in the NaP Telašćica, whilst the smallest number is in NaP Vransko jezero. The average age of visitors for all three parks is 38 years (women 37 years, males 40 years). The average age of visitors is a bit younger in the NP Paklenica and a bit older in the NaP Vransko Jezero.