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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2015 str. 62     <-- 62 -->        PDF

Aščić, I.: Poštanske marke – novi izazovi pred poštanskim upravama, Znanstveni časopis Suvremeni promet br. 1-2, Hrvatsko znanstveno društvo za promet, Zagreb, 2013., str. 91-94.
Aščić, I., Binički, M., Tomljenović, G.: The role of postal operators in development of e-commerce, 20th International Scientific Conference, Transport 2011, Academic journal, Issue 3/2011, University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011, pp I(1-6)
Aščić, I., Binički, M.: Security conditions of transport by postal rail shipments in the Republic of Croatia, Scientific Papers No. 602, Transportation and Logistics No. 12, Innovation in transportation, University of Szczecin, Poland, 2010, pp. 7-20.
Aščić, I.: The future of post – Direct mail, Conference Proceedings, 12th International Conference  on Transport Science; Transport science, profession and practice, Slovenian Society for Traffic Science and Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Portorož, Slovenia, 2009
Frković, A.: 125. obljetnica osnivanja zagrebačkog Botaničkog vrta obilježena prigodnom poštanskom markom, Šumarski list 5-6, 2014., Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva, Zagreb, 2014.
This piece describes the role, importance and the contribution of postage stamps in promoting forestry. Postage stamps, due its ubiquity, attract attention and act on prevention of the broad masses of people through various communication channels.  There is almost no branch of forestry that is not covered on postage stamps, issued in about 250 countries and independent territories in the world. The task of this piece is to encourage the cooperation with stamps publishers, systematic research and the use of "forest" stamps in everyday written communication, for better marketing presentation of forestry, as important segments of economy and science and educational impact on sustainable forest management in different age groups.
KEY WORDS: postage stamps, forestry, promotion, flora