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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2015 str. 47     <-- 47 -->        PDF

tourism worker, environmental protection inspector, air transport inspector, medical worker, fitness trainer, biologist, beekeeper, farmer, trader and others.
A large majority of respondents (71%) claimed that their way of life is connected with trees, landscapes and forests. When asked to judge the importance of trees, woodland and forests, the majority of respondents (86%) considered them as ‘very important’ (Figure 2). None had the opinion that they are ‘not very important’ or ‘not at all important’.
Compared to the above consideration of forests as very important, they have a surprisingly low frequency of visits to woodland and forests. Only one fifth visit woodland and forest several times a week (20%). Additionally, 37% of respondents visit forests ‘more than once a month’, meaning that more than a half of visitors to The 19th International Horticulture Fair visit woodlands and forests frequently (Figure 3).
In the perception of respondents, forests are considered as ‘important places for wildlife’ and that ‘they make an area a nicer place to live’, with more than 70% answering that they ‘strongly agree’ with this statement. The minority of respondents was of the opinion that woodlands and forests ‘bring the community together’, ‘they get people involved in local issues’, ‘provide income and jobs’ or ‘people can learn about local culture or history’ (between 20 and 35%). Regarding to the above mentioned statements, some respondents