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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2015 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF

mountainous or meso-montane xerothermophilic habitats, and are generally rare and local except for some high mountain species. They hibernate mostly as larvae. The food plants include various species from the genera Vicia, Trifolium, Plantago, Galium, Asperula, Cirsium etc. (Kučinić & Lorković 1999). This is one of the few genera for which an overview of known species and data was given for Croatia (Kučinić & Lorković 1998). According to the authors, four species of this genus have been recorded for the Croatian fauna: Chersotis multangula (Hübner, 1803), Chersotis margaritacea (Villers, 1789), Chersotis elegans (Eversmann, 1843) and Chersotis cuprea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Kučinić & Lorković 1998). An additional species record of Chersotis fimbriola (Esper 1803) is cited in the Fauna Europaea database (Fibiger & Skule 2013), increasing the number of the known species up to five. However, this species needs to be confirmed either in the literature or in the museum collections. Another Chersotis species, Ch. laeta leonhardi Rebel, 1904 has the type-locality in the vicinity of Croatia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maklen-Pass at Korićna and Kalinovik (Hacker, Varga 1990)) and can also be expected in Croatia.
Only one or a few records exist for each Chersotis species in Croatia, so their distribution in the country is mostly unknown. Additionally, most records are citations from older literature, and need confirmation. In this contribution we give the first record of Chersotis rectangula ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and additional data for Chersotis multangula (Hübner, 1803) from NW Croatia.
Material and methods
Materijali i metode            
Specimens of Ch. rectangula and Ch. multangula were collected during the survey of Ivanščica and Strahinjščica Mts. in 2014 (Table 1, Fig. 1). Moths were attracted by UV light traps. The observed habitats mostly consist of a beech forest with rich forest road edge vegetation and partly mixed beach-spruce forest at higher altitudes on calcareous rock. Aside from the forest road, the whole nearby and surrounding area is covered with continental deciduous forest. The identification is based on the author’s collections and was confirmed by literature for the genus Chersotis (Fibiger, 1993). Two specimens are stored in the private collection of Toni Koren in Pazin. All records and identifications were made by Stanislav Gomboc and Toni Koren.
The presence of the Chersotis genus in Croatia was checked in Croatian and foreign entomological collections by Kučinić & Lorković (1998), where the presence of 4 species was confirmed for Croatia. We also checked all the available literature where we could not find any additional data for Ch. rectangula for Croatia (e.g. Abafi-Ainger 1910; Abafi-Ainger et al. 1896; Bartol et al. 1964; Bohatch 1891; Burgermeister 1964; Galvagni 1902, 1909, 1934; Habeler 2003; Koča 1901; Kranjčev 1985; Kučinić 1992; Kučinić & Lorković 1998; Mann 1867; Mladinov & Kučinić 1993; Schawerda 1921; Stauder 1925).
Results and discussion
Rezultati i rasprava
Ch. rectangula is the type species of the genus Chersotis. It has a wingspan of 29-37 mm, grey and brown wings with inconspicuous markings (Fig. 2). This is a Ponto-Mediterranean species, which inhabits the southern part of central Europe: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary. Its distribution in Europe is discontinuous, being connected to the larger mountain ranges, where it is usually rare and local.
This xero-montane species inhabits bushy habitats, mainly in the subalpine zone, but also can be found in rocky grassland at lower altitudes between 600 and 2400 meters above sea level (Dufay 1971). Adults fly from late June to mid-September, and are attracted to light and bait traps (Fibiger 1990, 1997). Larvae are polyphagous and feed on different herbaceous plants like Melilotus spp. and Vicia spp. (Nowacki 2009). As three specimens were recorded, we may presume that this species has a population in the area, and the specimens do not represent migrating or vagrant