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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2015 str. 63     <-- 63 -->        PDF

decomposition rate of needles in scots pines was LR (56.8 %) and the minimum decomposition rate was SR (49.6 %). Maximum decomposition rate of Trojan fir needles was LR (48.2 %) and the minimum decomposition rate was found in SMS (44 %). On the other hand, in the sweet chestnut harvesting area, the difference between LR, SMS and C was statistically significant (P<0.05). The decomposition rate between SR and SMS was also statistically significant (P<0.05). At the end of the decomposition progress, the maximum decomposition rate for the scots pine needles was found on LR followed by C, SMS, SR, and LR = SR > C > SMS for the Trojan fir needles; and; C > SR > LR > SMS for the sweet chestnut leaves (Fig. 4, Table 1).
Table 2 showed that forest harvesting activities effected litter decomposition in great extent in varied micro ecologic areas that was appearing in remaining stand. The average time (year) for mass to lessen of its 50 % and 95 % was 2.33 and 7.00 for scots pines needles in the C micro ecological area. However, in SR (2.59 and 2.78) and in SMS the time was increased (2.40 and 7.20). The time was decreased in the areas where LR appeared (2.12 and 6.37). Likewise, when the Trojan fir needles are compared with the C as it is in scots pines needles; it is seen that the decomposition time was increased on the SMS micro ecological area. However, the time was decreased in the micro ecological areas where LR appeared (Table 2). Different from the scots pine needles, in the Trojan fir needles that are put on the SR the decomposition time was lessened. For the species of sweet chestnut; the harvesting activities decreased decomposition rates of the leaves of the species in great extent and it caused the average time that was needed for its mass to minimize by 95% in C micro ecological area (year), to increase from 5.82 to 6.90 in SR, and in the micro ecological areas where there was LR to 7.89 and on the SMS to 9.41 (Table 2).
Table 2. Litter decomposition constancy of scots pine, trojan fir, and sweet chestnut (k) which decompose in various parts of harvesting area and the estimated time (year) that is needed the decomposed material to lose its 50% and 95% of being
Tablica 2. Konstanta raspadanja listinca škotskog bora, trojanske jele i pitomog kestena (k) koji se raspadaju u različitim dijelovima područja eksploatacije te procijenjeno vrijeme (godina) koje je potrebno da materijal koji se raspada izgubi 50 % i 95 % mase.